
-Love EVERY Body – 6to mes-

Buenas buenas! Seguimos recorriendo partes de nuestro cuerpo con las tareas del taller Love EVERY Body. Y esta vez nos toca mirar hacia atrás, específicamente, a nuestra cola.

Este artículo va a ser chico (a diferencia de mi trasero, je). Lo amo. Amo mi trasero.

“Pero… pero… ¡Tu trasero es demasiado grande! ¡Y no es firme ni perfectamente redondo!” Lo sé, y no me interesa. Amo mi trasero tal cual es, aunque a veces luche para entrar en sillas con apoyabrazos o se me dificulte pasar por espacios pequeños. Mi trasero me hace sentirme sexy y sensual cuando camino sacudiendo las caderas o cuando bailo.

La verdad es que me empezó a gustar mi trasero después de mis 20s, cuando viajaba en colectivo hacia el trabajo y algunos hombres tomaron esto como invitación para apoyarme. Ahora, no digo que me haya gustado ni que lo que hicieron estuviera bien, pero la verdad es que crecí incorporando mensajes diciéndome que nunca le iba a resultar sexualmente atractiva a nadie porque soy gorda. Y encontrar que una parte de mí le atraía a alguien, a quien fuera, fue una revelación.

Hoy en día sé que no son sólo viejos degenerados los que se pueden sentir atraídos por mí, y que sólo yo soy responsable de cómo me veo y me siento. Y sin embargo, sigo manteniendo mi amor por mi trasero. ¿Cómo podría no gustarme una parte de mí que me hace protagonista de un tema de Queen?  

Contame, ¿cómo te sentís sobre tu cola?

Si tienen un ratito, dénse una vuelta por lo de Leah a ver los artículos de las otras increíbles bloggers que también están participando.

Hello hello! We keep going through our body parts with the assignments from de Love EVERY Body workshop. And this time we get to look back, in particular, to our behinds.

This post is gonna be small –unlike my bum, he. I love it. I love my bum.

“But… but… Your bum is too big! And it´s not firm or perfectly round!” I know it, and I don´t care. I love my bum just like it is, although sometimes I have to struggle to fit in chairs with armrests or have difficulties going through small spaces. My bum makes me feel sexy and sensual when I walk flaunting my hips or when I dance.  

The truth is I starting to like my bum after my 20s, when I commute on my way to work and some men took this as an invitation to lean on me –or, actually, on it. Now, I´m not saying I liked it or that what they did was right, but the truth is I grew up incorporating messages saying no one would ever find me attractive because I´m fat. And to find that a part of me was enticing for someone, anyone, was a revelation.

Today I know that other people beside degenerate old men can feel attracted to me, and that I´m the only one responsible for how I see myself and how I feel. However, I still love my bum. How could I not like a part of me that makes me the star of a Queen song?

Tell me, how do you feel about your bum?

If you have a few minutes, check out Leah´s blog to see the other amazing bloggers´ posts.



11 comentarios:

  1. I was tempted to post Baby got back by sir mixalot so I'm so glad you posted fat bottomed girls!

    1. I´ve been waiting this assignment just to post this song! After all it´s the inspiration for this blog´s tagline: ´Cause curvy women make the world go round :D

  2. You reminded me of something I should have done. I should have posted a list of songs about big behinds! And I'm glad you learned to love your bum! :)

    1. Post them on Twitter! I´ll RT so we can all share it.

  3. Yeah, I'm glad you love your bum bum!

  4. Glad that you love it. Maybe after the whole project we can go further and make a playlist for each body part, as that would be nice to see what we all picked and a creative way to express how we feel, and hopefully hearing those songs we should have attached positive feelings to them all, and we can all dance and shake our booties even if it is in out own houses xx

  5. Yay so glad you love your bum and thank you for adding fat bottom girls to your post I just had a little boogie to it :) xx

  6. Love that song! :D And fat bottom girls definitely get a lot of attention! I'm so glad that you like your bum.

    1. Thank you! I´m still laughing by myself when I remember the memes you posted!!


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